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Vol: 57(71) No: 1 / March 2012      

Credit Users Segmentation for Improved Customer Relationship Management in Banking
Z. Bošnjak
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia, e-mail: bzita@ef.uns.ac.rs
O. Grljević
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia, e-mail: oliverag@ef.uns.ac.rs

Keywords: credit users segmentation, customer relationship management, banking, customer-centric strategy

Nowadays, extreme competition on the one hand, and customers’ involvement in shaping the supply, on the other hand, has conditioned the success of a modern companies by knowledge of the characteristics, desires, preferences and habits of their customer base. Contemporary trends imposed to the companies a need to develop customer-centric strategy. This strategy makes customers the focus of a business, directing all efforts of the company to the maximum satisfaction of customers\' needs and desires. One of the techniques of data mining, widespread in customer relationship management, is customer segmentation. The goal of customer segmentation is to group customers by common characteristics in the way that created segments are profitable and growing which will enable companies to target each segment with specific offerings. Results obtained by this analysis enable companies to get closer to customers and truly implement in practice customer-centric strategy. Application of customer segmentation technique is illustrated on the example of a credit card users, pointing out the ways in which intelligent methods and techniques allow the identification of existing good bank customers (customers who do not have a problem with payment) and possibilities to use these results to predict future clients with the same characteristics.

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