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Vol: 57(71) No: 2 / June 2012        

Numerical Simulation of the Automatic Control System of the Residual Water Blunting Process from a Foundry
V. Mureşan
Department of Automation, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, 26-28 Gh. Baritiu Street, 400027 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, phone: +40-744-420906, e-mail: Vlad.Muresan@aut.utcluj.ro
M. Abrudean
Department of Automation, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, 26-28 Gh. Baritiu Street, 400027 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail: Mihai.Abrudean@aut.utcluj.ro
M. L. Ungureşan
Department of Physics and Chemistry, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 103-105 Muncii Street, 400641 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, phone: +40-264-401627, e-mail: Mihaela.Unguresan@chem.utcluj.ro
T. Coloşi
Department of Automation, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, 103-105 Muncii Street, 400641 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail: Tiberiu.Colosi@aut.utcluj.ro

Keywords: equation with partial derivatives, blunting process, matrix of partial derivatives of the state vector (Mpdx), cream of lime, pH value

In this paper, a variant for the pH control of the residual water from a foundry is presented. The blunting process of the residual water is viewed like a distributed parameters process. Starting from the system of equations that describe the working of the elements of the automatic control system (both ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations), the matrix of the partial derivatives of the state vector (Mpdx) is determined. Based on (Mpdx), the numerical simulation is made using Taylor series. The simulations are relevant both for the performances of the modeling-simulation method and for the performances of the automatic control system.

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[4] T. Coloşi, M.-L. Ungureşan, E. Dulf, R. C. Cordoş, “Introduction to Analogue Modeling and Numerical Simulation with (Mpdx) and Taylor Series Distributed Parameters Processes”, GALAXIA GUTENBERG Publishing house, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 361 pages.
[5] User Guide, Matlab 7.5.0 (R2007b).