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Vol: 49(63) No: 3 / September 2004

Simple Model for Database Information Integrity
Dorin Iordache
Information Technology Department, Naval Academy, Fulgerului Street, No.1, Constanta, Romania, phone: 0241-653000, e-mail: diordache@seanet.ro

Keywords: data integrity, database security, digests, digital signature, cryptography

Within computer systems the processed information must be believable. As far as the database is concerned the problem changes. On the one hand, the information must come from an authorized source, and on the other hand it must be identified as authentically. The authorization issue may be solved with the help of the security models implemented within the database management system. The only problem that may arise is whether the stored information is true and believable. In the following article I intend to describe a mechanism which would allow us to check the degree of truth of the information, at a field level, assuming all the users have the same rights over a certain relations, but it is illegal to alter a certain field. By using such mechanism, one can easily determine the data, which have been altered without any authorization.

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