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Vol: 49(63) No: 3 / September 2004

Objectual Implementation for Relational Database in the Object - Relational Software
Sorin Borza
University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu, Romania, Faculty of Engineering, , phone: 40-269-217928, e-mail: sorin.borza@ulbsibiu.ro
Ionel Jian
Department of Computer Science, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Bd. V. Parvan no. 2, Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: jian@cs.utt.ro

Keywords: objectual relational databases, objects, indexes, tables, views, cursor class, dataenvironment class

The applications environments of the 1990s are fast-paced and complex. There is great diversity in the way information is accessed, manipulated and presented. Object orientation is proving to be an enabling technology that makes it easy to construct and maintain complex system from individual components. Object-oriented databases remove the so-called semantic gap between an application domain and its representation in persistent storage. Object oriented databases achieve their modeling capability through the object oriented concepts of abstract data typing, inheritance, and object identity. This paper describes how we can define and implementation an objectual databases from relational databases For this we can defined the relations as classes. To this classes will be attached types of class objects from relational objectual software Visual Fox. The relational databases are defined as DataEnvironment class and the tables and views are defined as cursor classes. The tables and views are the objects for DataEnvironment class. The creation of object database from relational database it’s made with specific classes.

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