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Vol: 48(62) No: 1 / March 2003      

A Multi Agent System for Travel Agencies
C. Turcu
Computers and Automation Dept, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Suceava, 9, University Street, Suceava, Romania, phone: (40) 230-522978, e-mail: cturcu@eed.usv.ro, web: http://www.eed.usv.ro/~cturcu

Keywords: agent, Multi Agent System, network, Internet, communications.

In Multi Agent Systems (MAS) the main goal is to provide fruitful cooperation among agents in order to enrich the support given to all user activities. This paper deals with the development of a multi-agent system aimed at solving all reservation problems encountered in travel agencies. Due to their benefits over the last few years, online travel agencies have become a very useful instrument in planning vacations. A MAS concept (which is based on the Internet exploitation) can improve this activity and provide clients with a new, rapid and efficient way of making travel arangements.

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