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Vol: 50(64) No: 1 / March 2005      

The State of the Art in Using Genetic Algorithms for Assembly Line Balancing
Octav Brudaru
Department of Management and Engineering Production Systems, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Bd. D. Mangeron 53, 700050 Iasi, Romania, phone: +40-232-278683, e-mail: obrudaru@misp.tuiasi.ro, web: http://www.misp.tuiasi.ro
Cintia Copaceanu
Department of Management and Engineering Production Systems, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Bd. D. Mangeron 53, 700050 Iasi, Romania, phone: +40-232-278683, e-mail: ccopacea@yahoo.com

Keywords: assembly line, line balancing, genetic algorithms, hybrid methods.

The paper describes the application of genetic algorithms (GAs) to assembly line balancing (ALB) problem on the basis of a balancing problem typology solved by GAs. Several GAs for ALB problems are surveyed and the essential ideas used in such algorithms are explained. The potential of the GAs use and the benefits of the hybridization of GAs with other heuristic or exact methods are underlined. New classes of problems GAs being applied to as well as different types of methods which can be grafted on GAs are recommended.

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