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Vol: 56(70) No: 2 / June 2011        

Reconstructing a Model of Implicit Shapes from an Unorganized Point Set
Levente Hunyadi
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Budapest, Goldmann György tér 3., Hungary, phone: +36 1 463-2870, e-mail: hunyadi@aut.bme.hu, web: www.aut.bme.hu/portal/hunyadi
István Vajk
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Budapest, Goldmann György tér 3., Hungary

Keywords: model reconstruction, alternating optimization, total least squares, self-organizing method.

Reverse engineering whereby we seek to capture a relationship or represent a physical object with a compact computer model comprising of a set of simple objects such as straight lines and quadratic curves for 2D, or planes and quadratic surfaces for 3D is a frequent engineering problem. Unorganized coordinate data acquired from the variables of the relationship or from the physical object with a measuring device, however, are polluted with noise due to the impact of the environment, surface attributes of the object or uncertainty of the measuring device. In order to construct a computer model such that the misfit between the model and the true relationship or object is minimized, we present an approach that alloys clustering and generalized total least squares regression. An optimization scheme is presented where two steps, data regrouping and implicit shape parameter estimation are alternated, which converges to a model captured by a set of primitive shapes.

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