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Vol: 51(65) No: 1 / March 2006      

SeaFM Facility Management Project. Integrated Management Methodology for the Property and Facility of Companies
Marta Seebauer
Institute of Computer Engineering, Budapest Polytechnic, Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Budai Str. 45., H-8002, Székesfehérvár , Hungary, phone: (36) 22-510830/118, e-mail: seebauer.marta@szgti.bmf.hu, web: http://www.szgti.bmf.hu
Zsolt Viniczay
SeaCon Europe Ltd., Budai Str. 141., H-8000, Székesfehérvár, Hungary, phone: (36) 22-501632, e-mail: viniczay.zsolt@seacon.hu, web: http://www.seacon.hu

Keywords: modeling of complex systems, intelligent information system, computer aided facility management.

Computer aided facilities management system is an information system integrating multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment and the management of their impact upon people and the workplace. Present paper contains the methodology of building an intelligent system that optimizes people, process, assets and the work environment to support delivery of the organization’s business objectives.

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