Vol: 55(69) No: 3 / September 2010 A New Cerebral Anatomical-Based Automated Active Segmentation Method Anda Sabau Computer Science Department, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and Computers, 2 V. Parvan Str. 300223, Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: anda_sab@yahoo.com Roxana Oana Teodorescu Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, e-mail: teodorescu@cs.upt.ro Vladimir Ioan Cretu Computer Science Department, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and Computers, 2 V. Parvan Str. 300223, Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: vladimir.cretu@cs.upt.ro Keywords: automatic ROI/VOI detection, active contour segmentation, medical image processing Abstract We propose a new method for segmentation based on an active automatic detection approach. We test this method on the putamen anatomical area and we include it as part of an automatic prognosis detection system prototype, PDFibAtl@s. This segmentation method is based on shape constraints that reside at the anatomical structure level. We develop the algorithm on diffusion MRI images, using it further for a deterministic global tractography. Its importance resides at the neural fiber validation and the alignment of the segmented volume augments the accuracy of the tractography. A total of 143 subjects, part of an extended Parkinson\'s Disease (PD) database, with 68 patients clinically diagnosed with PD and 75 control cases, are used for developing this new method. Our method employs a geometrical approach that updates a classic active contour tracking method by eliminating the inter-patient variability. From the technical point of view we are providing an automated tool, with versatility, surmounting not only the demographic variability, but also the anatomical specificity. 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