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Vol: 49(63) No: 3 / September 2004

The Multimedia Interface of an Audio/Video/Smell Database System – AviSS
Horea Todoran
Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, str. E. de Martonne no. 1, 400090 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, phone: (40) 264 597587, e-mail: htodoran@euro.ubbcluj.ro

Keywords: databases, multimedia databases, digital smell, multimedia user interface

Non-audio-visual digital information becomes more and more meaningful to users in multimedia environments. The integration of smell, taste and touch in consistent multimedia applications very much depends on the capacity to digitally store data and send it over networks. Current multimedia database management systems do not consider the case of non-audio-visual data. We propose AViSS - a database management system that integrates smell with audio-visual information. It is the aim of this paper to discuss the main challenges arising from developing the multimedia interface of such a prototype.


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