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Vol: 58(72) No: 2 / June 2013        

Comparison of Different Control Gadgets for Jump Oriented Programming
László Erdődi
Institute of Software Technology, Óbuda University, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Bécsi út 96/b, 1036 Budapest, Hungary, phone: (+361) 666-5574, e-mail: erdodi.laszlo@nik.uni-obuda.hu, web: http://nik.uni-obuda.hu

Keywords: Jump, Oriented, Gadget, Control, Attack

The tendency of code reuse in computer security has been continuously increasing in case of memory corruption attacks. In order to bypass Data Execution Prevention the available attacking methods such as the Return Oriented and Jump Oriented Programming should place only data to the process memory. Using these techniques the attacking code can be composed only from the linked shared code of the process. The Jump Oriented Programming uses a control gadget which supervises the malicious code running in the process by continuously reading the next address of the attacking code and directing the execution there. Since the control gadget is the most critical part of the jump oriented program, this study analyses the available control gadgets in different operating system libraries. An analysis is also provided, so that the different behaviors of control gadgets can be compared from the practical point of view.

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