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Vol: 60(74) No: 1 / March 2015      

Fractional Fourier Transform Application in Human-Robot Multimodal Communication Improvement
Csaba Szász
Technical University of Cluj, Department of Electrical Machines and Drives, Cluj, Romania, e-mail: Csaba.Szasz@edr.utcluj.ro
Éva H. Dulf
Technical University of Cluj, Department of Electrical Machines and Drives, Cluj, Romania, e-mail: Eva.Dulf@aut.utcluj.ro

Keywords: human-robot multimodal communication, Fractional Fourier transform, NI SbRIO-9631 mobile robot, speech recognition, voice signals recognition algorithm

As it is well known, human-robot multimodal communication improvement represents a challenging task for researchers involved in intelligent robotic systems development and implementation. In the last around two decades a great amount of high quality research is done worldwide in this topic to engineer novel robotic systems, with more and more intelligence for human gestures or speech recognition abilities enhancements embedded within them. Following these efforts this paper deals with the idea of implementing a Fractional Fourier transform-based (FrFT) strategy for multimodal communication abilities improvement of pervasive mobile robots. For this reason a versatile NI SbRIO-9631 mobile robot configuration has been developed embedding a special architecture hardware structure. By using this hardware framework, a novel voice signals recognition algorithm has been tested and implemented using FrFT concepts. The experiments prove that the pervasive mobile robot endowed with these additional voice signals analyzing abilities displays more intelligence and cooperativeness in its environment significantly improving human-robot multimodal communication.

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