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Vol: 55(69) No: 3 / September 2010

Overlapped Execution of Rewriting Rules in Graph Transformation Systems
Tamás Mészáros
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Goldmann György tér 3, 1111, Budapest, Hungary, phone: +36 1 463-2472, e-mail: mesztam@aut.bme.hu
Márk Asztalos
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Goldmann György tér 3, 1111, Budapest, Hungary, e-mail: asztalos@aut.bme.hu
Gergely Mezei
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Goldmann György tér 3, 1111, Budapest, Hungary, e-mail: gmezei@aut.bme.hu

Keywords: model transformation, graph rewriting, model-driven engineering, overlapped matching

Graph rewriting-based model transformation is a well-known technique with strong mathematical background to process arbitrary object structures represented as graphs. Since domain-specific visual models are usually represented as graphs, graph transformation is often used to process them. Unfortunately, the algorithmic complexity of graph transformations is NP-complete in general, thus, it is important to apply heuristics to reduce the execution time. Recent transformation tools place focus on the optimization of the execution of the individual rewriting rules of the transformation, and do not harness the structural similarity of consecutively executed rules. In this paper, we present a novel approach called overlapped matching that interleaves the matching phase of the consecutively executed rewriting rules by their common parts. The algorithm performs the matching phase for the common isomorphic subgraphs of the rules at once, and tries to extend the common matches with the remaining parts for each overlapped rule. The overlapping technique can be applied in a hierarchical way as well: overlapped rules can be overlapped again. We introduce specialized versions of the core algorithm for three kinds of rule execution : first-fit, iterative and exhaustive. We present satisfactory application conditions for the algorithms with formal analysis of their correctness. We illustrate the feasibility of the approach with a case study and measurement results.

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