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Vol: 47(61) No: 2 / June 2002        

Analyses On The Effectivness Of Using The Carry Save Adder In Multipliers Units
Daniela E. Popescu
Department of Computers, University of Oradea, Armatei Romane 5, Oradea, Romania, phone: 0040-59-211162, e-mail: depopescu@uoradea.ro
Corneliu Popescu
Department of Automation, University of Oradea, Armatei Romane 5, Oradea, Romania, phone: 0040-59-211162, e-mail: corneliu_popescu@uoradea.ro

Keywords: lookahead techniques, carry propagation, carry save adder

There are two basic ways in which the basic procedures can be speeded up: speeding up each addition
and reducing the number of additions required. Faster addition can be achieved through the use of progressively faster adders (carry-ripple adder, carrycomplete full adder, carry-skip adder, carry-lookahead adder, carry-select adder). The problem is that once the list of this adders has been exhausted, some other method for speeding up the addition process is needed; one such method is that of using carry save adders, which is analyzed in this paper.

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