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Vol: 4(4) No: 1 / March 1994      

On the Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Solving Tridiagonal Systems
Bogdan Dumitrescu
Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare, Universitatea “Politehnica” Bucuresti, Spl. Independentei nr. 313, 77206, Bucuresti, Romania, e-mail: bogdan@indinf.pub.ro

Keywords: tridiagonal linear systems

Similar version of the divide and conquer algorithm and Wang’s partition method for solving tridiagonal linear systems are presented in the paper. A generalization of this version is derived in the sequel, on a parallel architecture, with a block row mapping of the system matrix on the processors. Using gaussian elimination, a reduced tridiagonal system of small dimension is obtained; the generalization consists in the use of any two equations of a processor in order to eliminate most of nondiagonal elements.

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