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Vol: 51(65) No: 1 / March 2006      

Motivation for Dynamic Reconfigurable Vector Control Systems
Jozsef Vasarhelyi
Department of Automation, University of Miskolc, H3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary, phone: (+36-46) 565-111, e-mail: vajo@mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu
Maria Imecs
Department of Electrical Drives and Robots, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Of. Postal 1 PO BOX 99, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, phone: (567) 999-9999, e-mail: imecs@edr.utcluj.ro

Keywords: vector control, dynamic reconfiguration. FPGA, embedded systems.

The paper analyses the reconfiguration possibilities of the vector control schemes. First some aspects of system reconfiguration are treated and dynamic reconfiguration is defined. There are defined the hardware constraints of the reconfigurable vector control system for AC drives. There are two cases when reconfiguration should be applied. In one case the reconfiguration is motivated by the fact that the drive can start with better staring conditions and the work with a control system which control more effectively the drive when is working. The second case is treated for the so called tandem inverter, when the drive is supplied from two inverters and on of them fails. When of the inverters fail the control system needs reconfiguration. These cases are treated and finally some simulation results are given.

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