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Vol: 4(4) No: 1 / March 1994      

Security Services for Cryptographic Data Protection in Distributed Systems
Victor-Valeriu Patriciu
Computer Science Department, Tehnical Military Academy, Bucharest, Bd. G. Cosbuc, nr. 81-83, Sector 4, 050141, Bucarest, Romania, e-mail: aionescu@roearn.ici.ro

Keywords: cryptographic data protection, security services, distributed systems

Data security in distributed systems has become a subject of great concern witch microcomputers increasingly being used to hold sensitive company information. This paper willshow more security services for distributed applications. We have create a software toolkit, called CECST (Security Software Toolkit) with the goal to assist and to help programmers to create security services programs for networks applications. The generated program implement cryptographic functions selected by users from manyipossibilities offerend by the toolkit. SECST may be used to ensure security in network applications, especial in documents processing and transmission, or to study network cryptographic mechanism, in education and training process in the universities.

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