Vol: 55(69) No: 1 / March 2010 Security and performance of the webservers in the open source and the closed source operation systems V. Póserné Oláh Budapest Tech, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Bécsi 96/b, 1034 Budapest, Hungary, phone: (36-1) 666-5578, e-mail: poserne.valeria@nik.bmf.hu Keywords: possible errors of webservers, configuring possibilities of the Linux and the Windows webservers, performance of the Linux webserver, performance of the Windows webserver, security of the Linux and Windows webservers. Abstract A well-protected and appropriately managed network usually has proper security tools (network, host based intrusion detection system, firewalls). But as firewalls allow incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic, it creates a vulnerable point in the system unless we provide security at the application level. Due to the fast development of information technology and the spread of on-line services, where the content of the (dynamic) webpage can be arranged by the user, the question of IT security has become more complex. Hence important to examine what threats cause the biggest problems concerning the application level, and what we can do to avoid being vulnerable to these threats. In addition the purpose of the article is to analyze and compare – in the aspects of security and performance – the abilities of the webservers of the open source and the closed source operation system platform. References [1] Gijs Hillenius: Cost of Open Source desktop maintenance is by far the lowest, http://www.osor.eu/news/de-foreign-ministry-cost-of-open-source-desktop-maintenance-is-by-far-the-lowest, 2009.01.20. [2] BBS NEWS: UK government backs open source, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7910110.stm, 2009.02.25. [3] Austin Modine: US Army struggles with Windows to Linux overhaul, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/05/us_army_linux_integration, 2008.02.28 [4] Mike Andrews, James A. Whittaker: How to Break Web Software, Addison-Wesley, 2006, ISBN 0321369440, 9780321369444 [5] http://hup.hu/cikkek/20081114/microsoft_miert_tartott_tobb_mint_7_evig_az_smb_ hiba_javitasa, 2008.12.01. |