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Vol: 51(65) No: 3 / September 2006

Supervised Term Cluster Creation for Document Clustering
Kristof Csorba
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Budapest, Goldmann Gy. Tér 3., Hungary, phone: +36 1 463-2870, e-mail: kristof@aut.bme.hu, web: http://www.aut.bme.hu/
Istvan Vajk
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Budapest, Goldmann Gy. Ter 3., Hungary, e-mail: vajk@aut.bme.hu

Keywords: term cluster creation, supervised learning, document clustering, confidence.

This paper presents a new technique for supervised term cluster creation for document topic identification. It focuses on the avoidance of misclassifications, but the selection of every document in the target topic has lower priority. A document classification system operating this way may be useful in applications, where there is no strict need for the classification of every document, but the allowed rate of misclassifications is very strictly limited. The system tends to discard ambiguous documents by measuring the confidence of the topic assignment. This allows very high precisions in the classification results.

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