Vol: 58(72) No: 1 / March 2013 Umbilical Cord Pathology and Its Associated Risks in the Perinatal Outcome: A Statistical Approach Mircea M. Jivulescu “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Bd. V. Parvan, 300223 Timisoara, Romania, phone: (+40)256403211, e-mail: mircea_jivulescu@yahoo.com Elena S. Bernad Clinic of Obstetrics/Gynecology, County Hospital of Timisoara, Str V. Babes 12, Timisoara, e-mail: ebernad@yahoo.com Diana Lungeanu Department of Medical Informatics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, P-ta E. Murgu 2, 300041 Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: dlungeanu@umft.ro Keywords: statistical analysis, umbilical cord, nuchal cord, obstetrical risk, newborns, delivery Abstract The paper presents the results of a statistical investigation on the obstetrical risk induced by the nuchal cord. We explored the consequences on infant mortality, on the wellbeing of the newborns expressed by the Apgar score, and on the ante partum deaths. The statistical analysis was carried out on data collected from the \"Bega\" Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Timisoara, Romania between 2009-2010. The results showed a significantly lower Apgar scores for the nuchal cord (NC) cases. Although we found a significant risk for an Apgar score £ 7 in the NC cases (OR=2.13 and 95%CI [1.1; 4.09]), when meta-analysing the findings in a larger context (with four other similar studies) the results proved to be inconclusive, even if the heterogeneity index was favourable. Such investigations contribute to moving forward the understanding of the umbilical cord pathology and building risk models in obstetrics, along with other evidence-based instruments to be included in the electronic health records. References [1] E. Bernad, C. Brisan, C. Brisan, S. Bernad, V. Albulescu, M. Craina “Pathology of the umbilical cord”, TMJ, 60(2): 138-141, 2010. [2] KK. Dhar, SN. Ray, GI. 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