Vol: 54(68) No: 4 / December 2009 Design and Validation of an Advanced Method for Automatic Passenger Counting on Highly Utilized Trams Roland L. Kovács ABS Systems, Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Ltd., Szegedi út 49., H-6000 Kecskemét, Hungary, phone: (361) 382-9966, e-mail: roland.kovacs@knorr-bremse.com László Nádai Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Kende út 13–17., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary, phone: (361) 279-6278, e-mail: nadai@sztaki.hu, web: http://www.sztaki.hu/scl/nadai.htm Gábor Zsolt Horváth Control Functions, Knorr-Bremse Hungary Ltd., Helsinki út 86., H-1201 Budapest, Hungary, phone: (361) 382-9966, e-mail: gabor.horvath@knorr-bremse.com Keywords: automatic passenger counting, public transport, transit planning, fare payment control Abstract – Advanced automatic passenger counting (APC) methods are required for trams with high utilization, uncoordinated boarding and lacking air suspension. Conventional APC systems normally fail under these conditions. The advanced method presented in this paper calculates the actual weight of the vehicle from the driving dynamics, traction and energetic data of the vehicle and the track geometry. The weight of the passengers is derived from the total vehicle weight and is used to estimate the number of passengers. A cost-effective system has been developed and validated. The theoretical concept has been first proven under artificial conditions and then validated during real service on a tramline in Budapest. References [1] B. Czére B (editor), “Handbook of Railway Technology 1” (in Hungarian), Budapest, Müszaki könyvkiadó, 1975. [2] Dr. Sostarics – Dr. Balogh, “Railway Vehicles” (in Hungarian), Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó, 1991. [3] I. Fodor, “Yearbook of the Development and Experimental Institute of MÁV Rt. (1994-1995)” (in Hungarian), Budapest, MTM Soft Mérnökiroda Kft., 1994. [4] “Plot of tram line 56 in Budapest, Hungary”, Budapest Közlekedési Zrt. [5] “Tram T5C5K Technical Description”, Budapest, Ganz Transelektro Közlekedési Rt. |