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Vol: 4(4) No: 1 / March 1994      

Design and Analysis of Temporal Logic Specifications of Distributed Systems Communication Protocols
Anatol Ursu
Information Science Department,Tehnical University of Moldova, Bv. Stefan cel Mare nr. 168, 277012 Chisinau, Moldova, phone: (+3732) 497048
Victor Besliu
Information Science Department,Tehnical University of Moldova, Bv. Stefan cel Mare nr. 168, 277012 Chisinau, Moldova
Sergiu Zaporojan
Information Science Department,Tehnical University of Moldova, Bv. Stefan cel Mare nr. 168, 277012 Chisinau, Moldova
Vladislav Dubenetsky
Information Processing and Control Systems Department, Electrotechnical University of Sankt – Petersburg, Russia, Str. Academic Popov nr. 5, 179022, Sankt – Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: temporal logic, communication protocols

This paper studies an application of temporal logic in specification and design of distributed systems protocols combining modular approach and step–wise refinement method.

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[6] A. Ursu, V. Besliu, V. Rusanovschi, Applications of Temporal Logic in Specification of the ISO/OSI Reference Model Data-Link Layer Protocol, in: Proceedings of thr International Symposium on Signals and Systems SCS’93, November 4-5, Iasi, Romania, pp. 369-372.
[7] A. Ursu, V. Dubenetsky, V. Besliu, Step-wise Refinement Design of Distributed Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications, in: Preprints of the 4th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science SACCS’93, October, 29-30, 1993, Iasi, Romania, Vol. 2., pp.455-460.