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Vol: 50(64) No: 1 / March 2005      

On the Control Problem in a Hybrid Systems Class
Virginia Ecaterina Oltean
Faculty of Control and Computers, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Spl.Independentei 313, 77206 Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: ecaterina_oltean@yahoo.com

Keywords: discrete event system, hybrid system, supervisory control, switching control law.

Hybrid systems result from the integration of time-driven dynamics with event-driven dynamics. In a class of hybrid supervision systems (HSS), a continuous plant is controlled, through an interface, by a logical discrete event system (DES). Based upon a state space partition, the plant coupled to the interface is abstracted to a DES-plant automaton and the DES controller can be synthesized by adapting results from the Supervisory Control Theory of Ramadge and Wonham. Starting from a HSS model firstly proposed by the ISIS Group, the paper introduces an algorithm for the design of the DES controller. The formal model description is systematically reconsidered and the control problem is comparatively formulated both at the continuous-time and discrete event levels. Some challenges related to the extraction of the DES-plant model are overviewed.

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