Vol: 47(61) No: 1 / March 2002 Transmission of Low Level Signals in the Presence of High Distortions Jacek Izydorczyk Division of Telecommunications, Institute of Electronics Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 16, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland, phone: (048) 32 237 1495, e-mail: Jacek.Izydorczyk@iele.polsl.gliwice.pl Marcin Kucharczyk Division of Telecommunications, Institute of Electronics Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 16, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland, e-mail: Marcin.Kucharczyk@iele.polsl.gliwice.pl Keywords: Power Line Communication, power line characteristics, signal distortions, OFDM modem project and realization. Abstract This article describes some problems connected with digital data transmission in high distorted environments. Low voltage power line is presented as an example of such environment. Measured parameters of power line network compared with norm limitation of signal power are included. Next part of the article is a short description of proper modulation methods for power line channels. A Simplex OFDM modem that was constructed is shortly described in the last section. The results of transmission over the test channel are presented at the end of the article. References [1] Proceedings 1997 International Symposium on Power-line Communications and its Applications, Essen, Germany, 1997. [2] Proceedings 1998 International Symposium on Power-line Communications and its Applications, Tokyo, Japan, 1998. [3] Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Power-line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC’99), Lancaster, UK, 1999. [4] Proceedings 2000 International Symposium on Power-line Communications and its Applications, Limerick, Ireland, 2000. [5] Signaling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148.5 kHz Part 1: General requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances, PN-EN~50065-1, July 1999. [6] A. Dustor, „System transmisji danych z wykorzystaniem instalacji energetycznych”, MSc Thesis, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, 1999. [7] J. A. C. Bingham, “Multicarrier Modulation for Data Transmission: An Idea Whose Time Has Come”, IEEE Communications Magazine, May 1990. [8] M. Szebeszczyk, „Modem OFDM na procesorze sygnałowym”, MSc Thesis, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, 2001. M. Kucharczyk, „Transmisja danych w sieci energetycznej”, MSc Thesis, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, 2001. |