Vol: 51(65) No: 1 / March 2006 Advance Model Transformer Generation Akos Horvath Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1521 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Hungary, phone: (+36) 463-3579, e-mail: ahorvath@mit.bme.hu, Daniel Varro Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1521 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Hungary, phone: (+36) 463-3579, e-mail: varro@mit.bme.hu Endre Borbely Institute of Communication Engineering, Budapest Tech, Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tavaszmező utca 17, H-1084 Budapest, Hungary, phone: (+36) 1-666-51-48, e-mail: Borbely.Endre@kvk.bmf.hu Keywords: meta-transformation, code generation, model transformation. Abstract The current paper presents a new approach using generic and meta-transformations for generating platform-specific transformer plugins from model transformation specifications defined by a combination of graph transformation and abstract state machine rules (as used within the VIATAR2 framework). The essence of the approach is to store transformation rules as ordinary models in the model space which can be processed later by the meta-transformations which generates the platform-specific (Java, C++, C#, etc.) transformer plugin. These meta rules highly rely on generic patterns (i.e. patterns with type parameters) which provide high-level reuse of basic transformation elements. As a result, the porting of a transformer plugin to a new underlying platform can be accelerated significantly. References [1] J. Bettin, “Ensuring structural constraints in graph-based models with type inheritanceâ€, in: M. Cerioli, editor, Proc. 8th Int. 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