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Vol: 47(61) No: 1 / March 2002      

Automation Of The Design Flaw Detection Process In Object-Oriented Systems
Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila
Department of Computers Science and Engineering, University "Politehnica" of Timisoara, Bd. Pârvan, 1900 Timisoara, Romania, phone: (+4056) 204-333, e-mail: chirila@cs.utt.ro, web: http://www.cs.utt.ro/~chirila

Keywords: design flaw, metric, outlier, detection strategy.

Because of the huge number of monolithic and inflexible object-oriented systems and their huge costs there is a need for redesign in order to maintain and to reuse them. For redesigning such a system we have to eliminate the design flaws, and this is possible with the help of detection strategies in a systematic, scalable and repeatable way. In this paper will be presented a software tool which models the detection strategies using metrics, statistical operators, detects problems in legacy systems and offers introspection at the exact suspect entity.

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[6] Radu Marinescu: Detecting Design Flaws via Metrics in Object-Oriented Systems, Proceedings of the TOOLS-USA 39, ISBN 0-7695-1251-8, IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
[7] Radu Marinescu: Design Flaws and Detection Strategies, PhD Presentation, Karlsruhe, April 2001.